
Wave of Indifference (Part 2)

Wave of Indifference (Part 2)

When he returned home, his father was watching from the armchair.
He was waiting for the powder with a smile.
All the tiredness of the day was broken with a big smile and he entered the house.
“Father, are you hungry?”
“Huh… I’m not hungry yet, little girl”
“It’s already raining. I know that you are deliberately waiting for the powder.”
Both father and son smiled because of the beautiful powdery eyes and cute behavior.
It was only after the father and son returned to the house that they had happy days.
Because of her father, she had to marry someone, but she has no regrets.
He was grateful to U Ukka, who performed surgery on his grandfather in Bangkok, but based on that favor, he had to remarry in name only.
U Ukka also has no idea of ​​a long-term relationship with a naive girl like her, and she doesn’t want to live in an environment where she doesn’t need herself.
Therefore, after knowing all the problems, he called his father and went back to his own house.
No one asked you not to leave, and no one pulled you.
As a result, the father and son were left alone at home.
Life is nothing more than being used by someone.
He didn’t dare to blame the financiers who wanted the life of a poor girl.
In any case, the dust is just their use.
Now there is no one else, the life of father and son is peaceful for a while.
After the father and son finished eating dinner, the father put the pot of warm water next to him and turned on the lamp.


After that, the child’s glasses were placed next to him.
Glancing at the books on the table, he nodded to his father.
“Father… make it very late at night.
Health has not recovered much.
If you read the letters, it will affect your health.”
“Father will go to bed early, my child”
“So, I’m going to sleep, father”
When the dust was about to leave, my father stared at the powder…
“Sweet Child”
“Tomorrow Maung Ukka will call”
His father’s words calmed down for a moment.
Then, in front of his father, he nodded his head while smiling strongly.
“I haven’t said anything about the powder, father. I haven’t answered the phone.”
“He called. She came home and told me that she didn’t pick up the phone.
If you come to the shop, I think it will be a little disturbing.”
When I’m working, I usually turn my phone off, and I haven’t even looked at my phone since I got back from work, so I didn’t even know when U Ukka called.
So it seems that he came home.
“Do you close at work tomorrow?”
Maung Ukka said he will call in the morning.
And I asked my father for permission to attend a party with him at night.”
“I know that the powder has a duty to do what U Ukka and I ask, father.
I will prepare tomorrow”
“If my father hadn’t been sick, my daughter wouldn’t be tired like she is now.”
“No, it’s not because of my father…it’s not because of my father.
It was the luck of the powder to meet this family.
If it’s because of my father, I dare to pay with satisfaction.
There is nothing more important in life than my father.”
Because of the words of the powder, the father nodded his head with tears streaming down his face.
When I was about to go to sleep, the matter came to my mind and I couldn’t sleep anymore.
When I took out the phone, I saw that there was an incoming call.
He did not call again.
This is also Uukka’s habit, he never called the phone four or five times without calling more than once.
Now, he guessed that it was time for lunch.
He looked at the phone and fell asleep.
In the morning, O Ukka arrived earlier than expected.
In the powder, I have not finished preparing breakfast for my father.
Grandfather told me to leave it, but Zhu could not leave it.
“Wait a moment, Mr.
I still haven’t prepared breakfast for my father.”
Ukka looked down at the clock and nodded.
After that, he sat and waited in the small room that was attached to the guest room.
When I finished preparing breakfast for my father, I moved it to my father’s table.
It is difficult for me to walk, so I remember to make it convenient for me to get everything I need nearby, and then I also remember to prepare lunch.
It is not yet known when U Ukka will send it back.
I went to U Ukka who was sitting and called me. When he looked up…
“When will you be back, huh?”
“I don’t know exactly.
I think it’s about twelve o’clock.”
“Then can you wait a little longer?
I want to prepare lunch for my father once.
I’m afraid my father will be too hungry.”
“I don’t have much time, Silver Snow Dust.”
At his words, he nodded his head and quickly entered the room, placed the dried bread that he had prepared at home on the table, and filled the hot water tank.
“Daddy… if you’re tired and come back late at noon, please eat this first.
I’ll come to buy lunch once it’s dark.”
“Father is fine.
Get ready to go out quickly.
Are you already waiting there?
go… go”
“Yes father”
When he came out to the front of the house, preparing to take a shower in the powder, he looked at U Ukka.
After looking at the clock, he sat up and got up, so he didn’t run to take a shower.
He couldn’t break it for sure and had to run back quickly.
Acting like a machine.
When he went back upstairs, he met U Ukka’s eyes again.
I’m going in a hurry, so I don’t have time to warm my face.
However, Uukka took one look at the powder and stopped her.
“Hey… wait a moment, money and snow dust”
After saying that, he went out to the front yard, took a bag from his car and put the powder in his hand.
Looking at the powder on the face with drops of water…
“At first, I didn’t ask to lie down when I got there.
I don’t have time now.
Dressed once and came out. Do it quickly.
I’m too late to wait for you”
He had to rush into the room after saying just one word.
After putting on a thin layer of makeup, I took out the shirt from the bag that U Ukka gave me and put it on.
I don’t know how to fasten the thirty or so buttons on the back.
As far as I could, I put on a small top button and ran out of the room to ask for help, so I had to run to my room with a hot face.
“Father… Help the powder”
Nuukane screamed and ran into the room, so my father also looked up while eating breakfast.
“Father, I can’t fasten the button.
Dad, can you put it on?”
“Come…closer. I’ll take a look at it.”
When I handed it to him, my father carefully fixed the glasses, but he had to wait quite a while to finish one.
“Silver and Snow Dust… I went out”
U Ukka’s voice from the front of the house made the child’s face grimace.
My father put down his glasses…
“Tooth dust…”
“Yes, father…”
When I got outside, U Ukka was waiting with a disappointed face.
“Turn quickly…”
With the sound of the command, he was pulled back and turned around, but he didn’t say anything.
After that, he got to his car without even bothering his father.
“It’s too late for my time.
The day before yesterday, I didn’t prepare anything.
Fifteen minutes of running to prepare breakfast for your father. It takes ten minutes to prepare lunch and fill it with hot water. You don’t want to talk about taking a shower and changing clothes for ten minutes.
Do you know that I wasted a lot of my time because of you?”
“I’m sorry sir”
“People like you don’t know the value of time even if you tell them.
Do all the work of others and never progress. ”
She stared at him, confused by the nonsense words.
However, he didn’t look at the powder and knocked it with frustration.
“Make sure you make an appointment today because it’s important. Won’t uncle tell you what I ordered?”
“As I said, I didn’t prepare anything. It’s good.
I really didn’t think your spirit would be that small, Silver Snow Dust.
No matter how much you marry according to the contract, you should still respect me.”
“It’s not that I’m not doing Malaya on Zhu Thu Tha, Thu Tha.
Also, he is not a wealthy person like Thu Thay.
There is no one to point fingers at everything and no one to help.
He made everything with his own hands.
And I didn’t get up early because I didn’t think he would call me so early.”
“People like you are always full of excuses.”
“It’s too much to say about the powder.
I can’t be mad anymore. Stop the car.”
“Whenever you ask me to stop, I can’t stop. Those are very difficult.
Whenever you want the mind.
They want to throw tantrums when they feel like it.
I’m just being modest.
Now because of you, I’m running out of time.
Even so, you keep saying that you can’t go.”
“Why do you have to listen to everything he says?
Do you have dignity?
Zhu also lives with his own dignity.
He is not cunning and mean like others.
To be clear, I don’t mean to others’ children to the point of ruining their lives.”
“If you are not satisfied, stop the powder now, Life is dusty and dusty.
It’s the same people who are dealing with each kind of dust.
If it’s a clear night, I don’t want to be even a little bit associated with the community of Thu Thae.”
You better keep your word. At the moment, you and I have taken it all over the world.
For the next six months, even if it’s about you after the divorce, I have nothing to do with you.
My life is not like you.
Nothing can be taken lightly.
You understand this.”
I did not think that poverty would be suppressed to such an extent.
I hate what people like you say every time they do something wrong.
That’s why I pray so that the six months will be completed quickly.

Ceramic wax


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