
News outlet Semafor to launch breaking news feed enabled by Microsoft and OpenAI tools

News outlet Semafor to launch breaking news feed enabled by Microsoft and OpenAI tools
Semafor said that its new offering ‘Signals’ will be powered by AI tools in order to bring more “diverse” perspectives to readers

News outlet Semafor said on Tuesday it is rolling out a global breaking news live feed called ‘Signals’ that will be powered by AI tools from Microsoft and OpenAI in order to bring more news from more sources to readers.

In an article announcing the new service, Semafor said that most live coverage across digital platforms was aimed at search engine rankings rather than human understanding. The company further said that ‘Signals’ would allow journalists to bring more perspectives into a report.
“In this, they’re aided by AI tools that help them search news sources across multiple languages and geographies, allowing them to extend their reach to bring more, and more diverse, perspectives to readers.
When tapping into these AI research tools, our editors then evaluate and verify sources, compose summaries, and clearly cite and link readers to the original information,” said Semafor in its announcement.


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