
Chinese herbal medicinal benefits

Chinese herbal medicinal benefits

Chinese saffron can relieve fatty liver disease and reduce fat

  • The bitter taste of the leaves of the Chinese ginseng plant is good for the stomach, Makes the air right.
  • Hot water of dry flowers reduces fat. It is also good for four-sided pain. – eardrum, To heal the ears, you should eat the flowers and leaves of the Chinese standard car in various forms.
  • The red flower of the Chinese word is especially good for people with coronary artery disease.
  • For body inflammation, boil the stem bark of the Chinese mandarin tree and take a bath.
  • The flower contains substances called triterprenoid amirin, lupeol and fulvoplumierin. It can be effective as an antibiotic for internal inflammation and body pain.
  • By boiling and eating the flowers of Chinese saffron, it relieves pain during menstruation.
  • For sunburns, you should apply an infusion of Chinese marigold flowers.
  • For tooth decay and toothache, drink the infusion obtained by boiling the flowers and leaves.
  • hip pain For the healing of boils and pain, heat the leaves and flowers of Chinese sedum slightly and apply olive oil on the sores.
  • diabetes For diabetes, cut the root of the Chinese sycamore tree about a finger’s length, wash it with water, and then take two cups. Boil a cup and drink it. Drink this juice regularly a day.
  • For red bumps on the skin and itching, boil the flowers and leaves and rub the skin with the infusion. Bathe with this infusion.
  • Vitamin C in flowers and leaves; starch It contains water vapor and is good for bones and teeth.

Credit: Original

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